Project Brief:
Battelle Biomedical Engineering team are developing a new wearable technology (taking the form of a sleeve) supporting people who lost arm functionality following a stroke. While the technology is proving efficient there is still a long way to go for this product to be made available on the market. Several design specific issues, pertaining to implementation, remain to be addressed. in this project students will be challenged to provide insights into ways to help bridge the gap from the lab to daily life of stroke recovering patient.
Project Information:
Year: Senior Year - AU 2022
Class: Senior Thesis
Instructor: Sebastien Proulx
Duration: 16 Weeks
Client: Battelle
Reboot is a medical system that aims for the improvement of stroke survivors' long-term recovery by providing them with the opportunity to independently practice rehabilitation. In the form of a rehabilitation booth that supports patients who lost arm functionality by accommodating their needs outside the clinic and home environments.
Intro Video
REboot video
How to use
REboot is located in local pharmacies and grocery stores to provide a more accessible rehabilitation for patients, and where can be supervision over the device from the staff
Sleeve Section
REplay is a UI system designed by classmate Annie Roo, that focuses on the digital interface of a system that helps patients independently go through their rehabilitation.